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About Me

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. I have been drawing even before I could remember. I took a quick obsession to art and games at an early age, I probably had a Gameboy color when I was 3! After that I would be constantly drawing Pokemon from the cards, or books that I got. I grew up in the Puget Sound area so when I started thinking of going to college for art, DigiPen was the top contender! I was able to take a couple of the classes in high school, and actually got credits transferred.


Right now

I just graduated with a BFA in Digital Art and Animation at DigiPen Institute of Technology. I am looking to work as a 3D modeler/sculptor at a company that loves the work they do and the worlds they create. I live in the greater Seattle area but would love to travel to new places! I'm always open to constructive criticism so if you have a suggestion I am more than happy to listen.


Things I love:

Games: Overwatch, Legend of Zelda, Dishonored series, Pyre, Smite, Firewatch and many others.

Cartoons, collectibles, photography, crows, tattoos, media, food, glitter, my friends, and family!


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